Well, two Saturdays ago, June 7th, John decided to go for a ride as far
as we could to take me away from our house. He did not have a plan to where to drive to-we left about 2 pm, and I was thinking that if he had somewhere else special to drive it would be very late. Well, we went anyway. We drove from Georgia and drove and drove away until we reach North Carolina stopping to every interesting spots and sites along the way. We stopped and parked our car along the road and climbed up to a mountain called "bald mountain" on the border of South Carolina and North Carolina, and took some photos on there. It is called bald mountain because it is all plain rock-no grass and weeds grow on there. The ride between SC and NC was amazing- we were driving through the canopy of trees in a winding road.
We kept on driving on not minding the time since the rays of the sun was still lighting the mountain and in the woods. By the way, I have not seen an Ostrich in real life so, here it is.
The road was crissed-crossed and it was very fascinating.
As soon as we got to the continental line of NC, John made a U-turn then slowing down to take a good look to the baby rabbits on the road for me to take photos of, but we were not able to take photos and John cursed (jokingly) the rabbits for we were almost got run over by a truck behind us. We realized that we have been driven for almost 5 hours.
Goodness! what time we will get back to Georgia we wondered. We have been carried away by the beautiful sceneries and the sun tolerated us.
John got tired, and we decided to stop by the nearest hotel while we were in SC not to check-in- we did not plan on spending on a hotel for our negligence of the time. We already spent unexpectedly extra on gas. We just stopped by and parked and took our "power sleep". John said that perhaps 25-30 minutes nap would be enough to get power again to drive on. However, he fell fast asleep and I, my other eye was open to keep watch. It was already midnight. We arrived to our front yard at 1:30 am, but since we were so tired, we just stayed in the car and went to sleep. Then went inside the house at almost 3 am because we had to go to church the following day, you know. We were crazy, but we had a good time together.
Alright, it is late, see ya!
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